Saturday, July 07, 2007

interesting covers

Here are the covers of 2 books. Action script and AS3 cookbook. The same kind of animal but facing opposite direction.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer in the Central Park

Convinced by my dad, I went running in the Central park last weekend. I got on my running shoes and ipod and I was all set. I did the lower loop on Sat ,and tried to do the upper loop on Sun. I started from the central park south ( 59th ). I got motivated by a group of people who were running passing by me and sent back their smiles. I tried to follow the group but they went so fast and finally disappeared!! I took a rest at the reservoir and got amazed by the scenery of beautiful sunsets with the swans.. I kept staring and could not get enough of it !!! I ran a bit more along the reservoir and by the time I got tired.. I was at 95 th street.
I cut the path to 5th ave and ran back home . It was fun and I should do more. Different spots of the park have different activities that I enjoyed watching. There were concert in the park, casual tango in the park, and casaul dog races ( race with the squirrels.. and among the dogs themselves lol)

This is the map

and this is the reservoir

I love nyc =)